Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Sun Chips Case

0817 General Assessment of Sunchips’ test market results. Pros A pro would be that Frito-Lay knows where the majority of their sales are happening. Due to about 90 percent of them being in supermarkets and convenience stores. It is also a pro that they have determined what percentage of each size package and flavor they are selling. In addition they have also determined the percentage of cannibalization that will happen. Another pro is that the cumulative repeat percentage steadily rose every week. Cons A con to these test market results would be that they have only been run for ten months.The results could be ballooned considering that they are introducing a new product. Another con would be that only about 1 in 5 households (less than 20%) have tried the product. And out of that 20 percent only 41. 8 percent had repeat purchases. Continue test market for another six months Pros A pro for continuing test marketing for six additional months would be that they would get even mo re accurate test market results. In addition, they will have the advantage of seeing how much word of mouth can raise their cumulative trial and repeat percentages. ConsThe con to continuing test marketing for six more months would be that if they don’t go ahead and launch nationally a competitor might launch a similar product nationally and upstage Frito-Lay. Therefore, the opportunity to be first-to-market would be lost. Another con could be that if their data is accurate they are losing significant profit for the next six months. Introduce Sunchips nationally with the same introductory strategy. Pros A con to this strategy would be that if the test market results are accurate, then Frito-Lay would profit from their new product and know all the necessary details of cannibalization.Yet, if the test market results are accurate then Frito-Lay should definitely introduce Sunchips nationally. Frito-Lay’s revenue goal for Sunchips 100 million if introduced nationally. Reve nue in the M-St. Paul Minneapolis from triers and repeaters was about 512,000 and 620,000 respectively. The M-St. Paul Minneapolis area accounts for 2. 2 percent of the 90 million snack ship user households in the U. S. By extrapolating the results from M-St. Paul Minneapolis to the U. S. , Frito-Lay can expect revenue to exceed 110 million. ConsA con would be the possibility of the ten month test market results to be inaccurate. In this case Frito-Lay would have launched nationally too soon. In addition, Frito-Lay will be giving up the opportunity to test out different strategies. Introduce Sunchips with some strategy modification (more advertising, larger package sizes, another flavor) Pros More advertising would lead to more brand awareness and possibly more sales. Larger package sizes would be good if sold at the same price per ounce. They would give customers another option.Adding another flavor would increase sales and possibly gain new customers. Cons The con to more advertis ing would be more spending, which takes away from profits. The problem with larger package sizes is that they would have to produce and distribute a whole new package. The con to adding another flavor is that it would increase cannibalization from 30 to 35 percent. There is also a con to the combination of adding a larger package and a new flavor. By adding these two, stock-keeping units would double from six to twelve, therefore going from two flavors and three sizes (6) to three flavors and four sizes (12).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Northanger Abbey Transformations

â€Å"Explore the theme of Transformations in â€Å"Northanger Abbey† In â€Å"Northanger Abbey† Austen crafts from start to finish a perfect paradigm of her own satirical wit and burlesqued humour, which go to all lengths imaginable to disguise and embed her novel’s transformations. These demonstrate her great skill as a satirist in making the reader dig for their own enjoyment.Her meaning is drenched in multiple interpretations causing even complete opposites like the transformed and unchanged to blur together, leaving as Fuller says, â€Å"The joke on everyone except Austen†; whose sophisticated â€Å"meta-parody† carries on transforming and confusing the reader (Fuller, Miriam 2010). Craik first contrived how to delve into Austen’s satire, and that was by realising that â€Å"The literary burlesque is not incidental, nor integral† (Craik, W A 1965).In my essay I am therefore going to delve deeply into the satirical, and reveal the true transformations Austen intended to present. The first line of the text identifies Catherine Morland as the novel’s central figure for transformation â€Å"No one who had ever seen Catherine Morland in her infancy would have supposed her born to be an heroine† (Austen, Jane â€Å"Northanger Abbey† 2003 PP. 5). Austen then ironically, and ambiguously, decks her out to be a burlesqued parody of the heroic archetype, thus transforming the perspective of what constitutes a heroine.Traditionally they were thought of as intelligent, beautiful and isolated like Eleanor Tilney, but we are told Catherine is â€Å"Occasionally stupid†¦almost pretty†¦and (her father) was not in the least addicted to locking up his daughters† (PP. 5 – 7). Austen reverses the polarity of Catherine’s character transforming her into a more modern heroine, her point being that anyone can be a heroine as long as they evolve as opposed to stagnating like tradit ional gothic figures such as Emily St Aubert (Radcliffe, Anne 2008).Already Austen is choosing transformation and change over self-stagnation, while with feminist intentions breaks down the barrier that portrays women as self-reliant on the patriarchal strength of men by encouragement to live life on their own terms like Catherine Morland â€Å"Let me go, Mr Thorpe†¦. do not hold me! † (PP. 73). Austen introduces the unchanged character of Eleanor Tilney to highlight â€Å"Catherine’s subconscious refusal to be helpless and passive† (Fuller, Miriam 2010).Eleanor unlike Catherine relies on men for support throughout her life first her father, and then through a â€Å"man of fortune and consequence†, which shows â€Å"her real power (to be) nothing† (PP. 185), in the light of Eleanor’s lack of transformation Catherine’s transformative nature is apparent by direct contrast. By deviating from this generic norm Austen sets up Catherin e’s own transformation from innocent, naive girl to blossoming, self-reliant woman. However many critics have debated whether or not Catherine in fact changes at all.This is the case for her intuition, which is part of what Fuller called â€Å"Catherine’s defences† (2010), which according to Schaub: â€Å"Catherine’s romantic temperament, her â€Å"intuition,† is right in all her basic judgments† (2000). Schaub is referencing Catherine’s interpretation of individuals such as General Tilney which all turn out to be correct â€Å"in suspecting General Tilney of either murdering or shutting up his wife, she had scarcely sinned against his character, or magnified his cruelty† (PP. 183). A true transformation however does occur in Catherine abandoning her gothic unreality for â€Å"objective reality† (Butler, Marilyn 1975).Her change is illustrated in the fading out of Austen’s free indirect narrative, observed in volu me one, for the true direct narrative perspective of Catherine herself, heard strongly in her condemnation of Isabella â€Å"she must think me an idiot, or she could not have written so†( PP. 161). This narrative change shows the growth of mind that Austen observes in her own character, and she allows her the freedom to use it which has Catherine; through transformative mistakes; gain a greater perspective on the world â€Å"Nothing could shortly be clearer, than that it had been all a voluntary, self-created delusion† (PP. 46). Lastly a final sign of her ultimate growth is a change in her setting of choice after marrying Henry Tilney. Instead of the sublime gothic grandeur of the abbey she chooses the simplistic pastoral setting of the parsonage â€Å"In her heart she preferred it to any place she had ever been† (PP. 156). The abbey of Northanger, that Catherine rejects, is traditionally seen as the key location for all gothic goings on. However it is my joint assertion with Fuller, that â€Å"the social codes of Bath are as labyrinthine as he passageways of Udolpho are to Emily†, and according to Drabble â€Å"like a minefield† (2010) for the young Catherine Morland. Austen uses satire once again to confuse and camouflage the full roles these two settings play, making for a clever and shocking juxtaposition as settings now transform along different lines. This is done through almost frequent and obvious references to the gothic in the anti-gothic setting of Northanger â€Å"Darkness impenetrable and immoveable filled the room† (PP. 124) while contrasting it to more subtle and less noticeable gothic in Bath â€Å"Mr Thorpe only laughed, smacking his whip† ( PP. 2). If we follow Fuller’s argument that â€Å"Northanger abbey† is part of what she terms the â€Å"Domestic Gothic† (2010); a genre that highlights the sexual threat to young women; the then humorous misadventures of Catherine in Ba th turn into events that closely resemble sexual abuse. Particularly in the character of John Thorpe who transforms from a bawdy, comic figure, stumbling over himself to marry Catherine, into a sadistic sexual predator. This is seen in the simple contrast when he abducts young Catherine on a trip to â€Å"Blaize castle! † (PP. 0), and Austen transform the light comedy of deception into a â€Å"gothic abduction scene† (Fuller, Miriam 2010). In which Thorpe â€Å"lashes his horse into a brisker trot† and takes her â€Å"into the marketplace† (PP. 62) thus turning Catherine into a â€Å"commodity† to be owned (Fuller, Miriam 2010). In her sudden character transformations Austen shows how she can rework any of her characters in an instance, making them comic one moment and frightening the next, and it is also a warning to young women of the â€Å"powerful and opportunistic members of society† that reside in Victorian resort towns like Bath (Full er, Miriam 2010).Austen’s satire, as witnessed, goes to great lengths to confuse and mask her meaning. Her reasoning behind it is simply her own enjoyment, and her desire to praise her medium of choice: the novel. Her complexity and ambiguity are merely part of an elaborate, and in itself satirical complement to novels which she believes display â€Å"the most thorough knowledge of human nature, the happiest delineation of its varieties, and the liveliest effusions of wit and humour† (PP. 24). Bibliography: Austen, Jane (2003[1818]) Northanger Abbey, Lady Susan, The Watsons and Sandition (Oxford, Oxford University Press) †¢ Fuller, Miriam (2010) â€Å"Let me go, Mr Thorpe; Isabella, do not hold me! : Northanger Abbey at the Domestic Gothic† Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal (Jane Austen Society of North America) †¢ Craik, W A (1965) â€Å"Jane Austen The Six Novels† (W & J MacKay & Co ltd, Chatham, Great Britain) †¢ Schaub, Melissa (2000 ) â€Å"Irony and Political Education in â€Å"Northanger Abbey† (Jane Austen Society of North America) http://www. asna. org/persuasions/on-line/vol21no1/schaub. html Accessed (27/0/2012) †¢ Butler, Marilyn (1975) â€Å"Jane Austen and the War of Ideas: The Juvenilia and â€Å"Northanger Abbey† (Clarendon Press, Oxford) †¢ Radcliffe, Anne (2008) â€Å"The Mysteries of Udolpho† (Oxford, Oxford University Press) †¢ Keymer, Thomas (2011 [1997]) â€Å"Northanger Abbey and Sense and Sensibility† â€Å"The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen† (University Press Cambridge, Cambridge) †¢ Bush, Douglas (1978[1975]) â€Å"Jane Austen† (The Macmillan Press LTD, London)

Monday, July 29, 2019

Africas Slow Growth And Development Politics Essay

Africas Slow Growth And Development Politics Essay This paper examines the causes of slow growth and development of Africa with emphasis on some selected countries. The paper argued on the basis of Madison’s (1995:65) estimates of per capital Gross Domestic Profit (GDP) for a sample of countries that, during the first half of the century, Africa had grown considerably more rapidly than Asia. By 1950, the African sample had overtaken the Asian sample. In the 1960s, Africa’s future looked bright, especially that the continent was gradually disengaging from the bondage of colonial imperialism. But today, Africa is the poorest continent in the world. While there has been a steady growth in countries of Asia, such as Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan, African states have lagged behind. Why is African development growing slowly? What went wrong in Africa? How can these problems be solved? This paper attempts to provide answers to some of the fundamental issues that have bedeviled the continent in the 21st century. In order to assess the level of growth and development in the continent, the concepts of ‘growth and development’ is critically examined within the confines of Africa in the paper. The paper attributed the slow growth and development of Africa to ‘Internal influences and external dimensions’. At the same time, the paper provides some plausible suggestions that would serve as a panacea to the problems militating against the growth and development of Africa. Introduction From what direction should one view the slow growth and development of Africa: is it from the perspective of bad leadership couple with wide spread corruption? Or is it that of policy failure, or geographic and demographic factors? Africa as well as the rest of the world is battling with this provocative question: Why does Africa continue to lag behind the rest of the world in terms of social and economic development? Mathew Paris writing in Times August (2002), believes the answer to the co ntinent’s development problem lies in four simple words: †swagger, Indolence, self indulgence and hot air †he points out †failure of leadership, the individual means that what is created or started is not maintained. Further more, it has also been argued that after 1960, particularly when majority of the countries in the continent gained political freedom, the potential of governments were not responsive to the people’s needs, aspirations and wishes, Mathew Parris (2002). The dream were shattered due to bad leadership, corruption, wars, poverty and eventually, economic underdevelopment. Could this entire unfortunate phenomenon be considered as factors militating against the growth and development of Africa? In terms of structure and for the purpose of understanding and clarity of the main thrust of this article, we have divided the paper into four parts. The first part focuses on the interpretation and application of the terms ‘growth and develo pment’ as concepts of analysis. It is necessary to understand that the two concepts were used based on what the paper takes them to be. Perhaps the greatest weakness in the literature of social sciences is striking lack of precision with which terms are used and under the conditions they are studied. However, a clear distinction between growth and development is explained in this part. The second part discusses African perspective. The rich complex of minerals, ecological hung provided by the continent, the continent’s archeological sites and the richness of African culture and its contribution to global community is captured in the first part. The third part investigates the causes of the slow growth and development in Africa. On this part different explanations were presented to justify the strength of points on the topic under review. However, few examples of some selected countries were cited. The fourth part poses a fundamental question: whether or not Africa will ever grow and develop? Perhaps, this is the greatest challenge to African leaders in the 21st century whose time has come. While the final section concentrates on the concluding remarks. This part provides some plausible suggestions that would change the predicaments in Africa, at least if not all, some parts of it.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Punishment and Modern Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Punishment and Modern Society - Essay Example (David, 1990. pg: 1) Van den Haag in his article "Punishing Criminals" supported the implementation of "death penalty" and the punishments for long time duration e.g. keeping the culprits in "house arrest" or sending them in to "exile" to reduce crime rate. The punishment are never designed or renounced on the bases of "class and race". Many sociologist believe that the crime can only be prevented by increasing the intensity of commitment on conducting it. According to a report published in "Crime and Delinquency" suggests at least "3000 executions" yearly are necessary to make "death penalty" an reliable prevention of crime. This statement is actually the perception of modern "intellectuals" rather than old scholars. the report of the "National Assessment of Juvenile Corrections" suggested the proportion of prisoners in US jails have greatly amounted during end of 20th century; 500.000 people were "imprisoned" both in "adult jails and Detention centers". (Tony and Paul, pg: 2-3) Today, the United States is following a policy of strengthening harsh and strict punishments by implementing big punishments in its states, increasing the duration of "imprisonment" form many crimes, by legalizing many compulsory "sentences". (Tony and Paul, pg: 20) Ruche and Kirchheimmer in on of their study on punishment stated "the transformation in penal systems cannot be explained only from changing needs of the war against crime, although this struggle does play a part. Every system of production tends to discover punishments which correspond to its productive relationships." In other wards one can say that these two people actually meant "modern" punishments to be a crucial tool for the preparation of employees- personal- in the "capitalist" world. Under dictatorship punishment are marked to be more evil: death sentences and life long punishments are increasingly adjudicated as compare to simple punishments. (Kevin and Robert, 2001, pg: 159-162) "The judge is subjected to strong pressure from above to intensify punishments on the grounds that the authority of the state must be defended.... Increasing severity of punishment is in the first instance a change in criminal policy conditioned by economic crisis." (Jeffrey and Alvin, 2000, Pg: 19-26) The "penal policy" of the dictators of Germany excluded the probability of taking social intervention in the adjudication of punishments. Today most of the" criminologists" blame the working class and the middle class for any kind of crises or recession. There fore the development and implementation of new penal policies is greatly necessary, so that the crises can be resolved in a better term. (Jeffrey and Alvin, 2000, Pg: 19-26) Durkheim's in 1964 did a functional "analysis" of punishment. Marxist did a materialistic analysis of the "nature and functions" of punishment. He believed study of punishment to be evidence based, detailed and "theoretically flat" in application. Punishment has undergone many "social, political and cultural" changes since the "sociological turn" of twentieth century. There are two approaches toward the penology. (Sarah and Lesley, 2006, pg: 20-21) 1. study of punishment is based upon the "structural factors" on the basis of which governments form their

Ethical dillema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethical dillema - Essay Example The patient is from another country. In the culture that she belongs to, it is believed that the males in the family have the right to take all the decisions regarding the family members. The females are not allowed to take any decisions even if it concerns their own health. In my patient’s case, this belief can affect the health outcome for her because instead of depending on her own feelings and health condition, she depended on her husband’s opinion, and gave him the permission to take all the decisions concerning her health. In health system, it is the patient who should tell, and not her relatives, whether her health and physical condition has improved or not, as she is the one who is suffering from the problem. Moreover, the patient can succumb to the pressure from the males in the family and decide to say that her health is improving even if she does not feel any improvement. This could lead to a contraindication when providing the care to this patient as it was not the patient, but her husband, who took the decision regarding her care. Moreover, it can worsen the condition leading to further health complications, and even a threat to the patient’s life. This particular case made me realize how powerful the cultural beliefs are. These restrictive beliefs are followed in the family even when the family members know that they can prove to be fatal to the health of the family members and especially, the females in the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Linda Hogan's Dwellings - Knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Linda Hogan's Dwellings - Knowledge - Essay Example For example, industries dealing with oil continue to be developed, and the remaining land continues diminishing so as to make room for the industrial establishment in the modern world. People have forgotten about the beauty that nature creates, and hence the Mother Nature continues to die day by day. She talks about the relevance of human beings seeking a terrestrial knowledge with the natural world. She melds phenomenal descriptions of the environment with crucial reflections on human’s place in their relationship with nature. A crucial discussion topic in the novel is knowledge. The westernized culture encourages people to gather knowledge through science, and other concrete ways of thinking that are logical. On the other hand, native people gain knowledge through experience and they accept abstract ideas as real ones. Hogan disputes the western definition of knowledge and believes that it is evident through the results, and knowledge of the natural world and cycles. Through her words, it is evident that science has also contributed to evil among humans and also brought isolation of knowledge. Human have developed and are unwilling to accept the things that are superior to them in the natural world. Western culture influence creates a perception that human beings have dominance over nature (Hogan 25). In relation to knowledge, Linda Hogan is a well learned person with a complete knowledge and focuses on the various ways that nature relates with human beings. For example, she had a wider knowledge about terrestrial intelligence. She looks at the various perspectives in the world and has developed philosophies regarding nature. In Dwellings, her focus lies on the terrestrial intelligence of dwelling places and living creatures reinforce the notion of earth as a vital place for all living organisms. Her questioning of Western meanings based on components of the natural world makes us understand the anthropocentric constructions of nature as an ideology wi th many fixed meanings. Dwellings are like a challenge to the places and meanings of people’s perceptive. Dwellings guide us on how to nurture a spiritual connection with everything in the world. Hogan’s approaches are nothing less than magical, mystical, and mythical, which are mostly on the American Indian mythology. She argues that myth is usually false, but after examining myths, they are a form of truth. Animals and places symbolise within the natural world used to dismantle the existing western notion which comes from these myths and shapes her worldview (Hogan 28). In the chapter, â€Å"The Bats†, Hogan describes the bats which associate with blood sucking terrors of Dracula, as sacred creatures that live in two worlds, crediting them with considerable insight and wisdom. There are two animals merged into one as they are milk producing rodents that bear live young and a flying bird. For Hogan, bats have a spiritual relevance in that they act as guardians in the passage into a spiritual state and are intermediaries. According to her, bat people live in between two worlds, and hence referred to as intermediaries between the world and the next. As intermediaries, western culture stigmas have associated them with fear and evil. The bats, therefore, are guidelines to a spiritual existence as opposed to being creatures associated with horrifying darkness (Hogan 42). Another Hogan’s take is on snakes and is similar to that of the bat. She views this in association

Friday, July 26, 2019

Strategic Strengths and Weaknesses of Madarin Oriental Hotel Group Essay - 1

Strategic Strengths and Weaknesses of Madarin Oriental Hotel Group Organisation In Relation To VRIN Analysis - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group (MOHG) is dedicated to delivering excellent services through the involvement of employees in the process of development of the hotel organization. The Group emphasizes on creating a congenial climate for the employees to facilitate them to perform their activities in an orderly manner. The Group is responsible in focusing their routine works through group activities, inculcating a strong belief amid one another along with contributing towards ensuring effective productivity which would enable the Group to gain reputed success in the competitive market. he VRIN Model Analysis is the framework which is adopted on the basis of Resource-based View (RBV). RBV emphasizes on theories related to determining competitive advantages of an organization as well as formulating a connection between internal features and competitive advantages of an organization. The VRIN framework comprises four elements such as valuable, rare, imperfectly i mitable along with non-substitutable. These are the resources which are comprehensively used by an organization in ascertaining their position in a competitive scenario. In this regard, it can be observed that ’valuable’ stands for resources that are used by an organization for designing strategies which would enable it to develop its effectiveness and efficiency. In this context, it can be stated that the valuable resources are to be taken into account for implementation of strategies in the organizational culture as well in the environment where the organization eventually functions. Similarly, rare signifies uniqueness. Contextually, it can be stated that resources are required to be unique enough for enabling an organization to gain greater competitive advantages as compared to the competitors in the market. In reference to the competitors, it can also be stated the competitors generally do not maintain a particular strategy to compete in the market for its sustain ability. Thus, it does provide a vivid picture regarding whether or not the valuable and rare resources possessed by an organization are strong enough to maintain its sustainability in the competitive market.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

TECHNICAL REPORT WRITING Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

TECHNICAL REPORT WRITING - Assignment Example Lots of people use the internet to do their research but have never at one point thought of how this web browser operates. This web browser has been in the market and it has been competing harshly with internet explorer. Not every user of Mozilla web browsers achieves the full potential of its services. This report seeks to answer the question, ‘what is Mozilla Firefox and how has it been of help in our daily lives?’ How has end user documentation helped users of this web browser? Mozilla Firefox is used worldwide by scholars, scientists and everyone in general. From the basic uses such as to access an email address for accessing social sites. This means that it is a crucial link between humanity and the internet world. Without web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, accessing the internet would not be possible. The main objective of this research is to understand Mozilla Firefox better, and the role it plays in the lives of individuals. Consultations with the advisor through email were a key factor in determining the research area. Having internet access is a prerequisite to accessing emails. Email consultations were the backbone of research topic and the research writing was influenced by the ignorance among users of Mozilla Firefox on how they blindly use this service. This explains the need for end user documentation on Mozilla

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

SGT Rome award Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SGT Rome award - Essay Example His unparalleled ability to multi-task and achieve outstanding results were truly invaluable to daily operations in the detachment. SGT Rome effectively demonstrated strong leadership and sound judgment on assignments by coordinating and advising the Commander on measures of efficiency and effectiveness on all products and product concepts. SGT Rome in many ways was the glue that bonded the three teams to remain cohesive for the purpose of accomplishing their mission. He is a person who can be relied upon and works without supervision. SGT Rome’s dedication to the mission and unwavering passion for his soldiers is an attribute that cannot be denied. His actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of the military service and reflect distinct credit upon himself, the nation and the United States army. Bibliography Hastings, M. (2011) â€Å"Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators†. Rolling Stone

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

MNEs and Globalizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MNEs and Globalizations - Essay Example Global marketing means a fully integrated worldwide strategy based on consistent brand selling. These companies are progressive. The dynamic forces inherent in all progressive companies are logically directed toward growth and expansion. When the opportunities for growth become limited in domestic markets, for whatever reason, there is no place to turn but to foreign areas. Controlling the far-flung global corporation-communicating with distributors and suppliers, operating 24 hours a day in different national environments, servicing local and international reporting needs-is a major business challenge that requires powerful information system responses (Buckley & Ghauri, 1999). Contemporary developments show that MNEs is that part of the process of global management that is concerned with the maintenance of human relationships and ensuring the physical well being of employees so that they give the maximum contribution to efficient working. Back in the industrialized nations, however, there is an increasing sense of social distress as workers see their plants close and jobs shipped out of the country. Also, MNEs support cultural globalization and integration dictating new patterns of consumption and buying. For instance, McDonald's Corporation is one of the best examples of MNE's impact on the global scale. ... Fried chicken is on the menu in many Asian countries. Other offerings include banana fruit pies in Latin America, Kiwiburger (served with beet root sauce) in New Zealand, beer in Germany, McSpaghetti noodles and a sweeter Burger McDo in the Philippines. In some countries, McDonald's changes its food preparation methods to comply with religious customs. This consumption culture creates new forms of control known as 'global colonialism' (Banerjee & Linstead, 2001, p. 683). MNEs created standardized products driving value and customer's taste. For many MNEs, the changing environment combines elements of both new products and HRM policies aimed to improve organizational performance and global position. The process of global HRM, however, is typically much more complex, and interesting, than traditional one. MNEs must deal with a number of key differences in foreign environments as compared to home environments (Black, 1999). The improvement of economic and social well-being is influenced by the simultaneous interaction of political, social, economic, and cultural factors-the level of resource endowment, the extent of industrialization, prevailing cultural norms about family size, and the ability and willingness of governments to make often politically costly development decisions. Also involved is the degree of penetration of rich countries in the economies of poor countries. According to Lodge & Wilson (2006): "MNC involvement is crucial to poverty reduction for two reasons: the reduction of poverty depends on the growth of business, and poverty reduction requires systemic change, and MNCs are the world's most efficient and sustainable engines of change". Meanwhile, a dispersal of productive wealth is

Francisco Goya as Representative of Modern Art Essay Example for Free

Francisco Goya as Representative of Modern Art Essay The culture of the museum, as well as its patrons, determines the vision of modern art. However, it is limited not simply due to the fact that tit negates or contradicts the aberrant and the other, but also because the preferences and interests of the patrons of the modern art have been peculiar or unusual with all the familiar concerns and obsessions of modern artists themselves. This consists of their concern with radical difference, their search for alternative forms of representation and their aspirations to demystify the classicism that inspired and shaped European art† (Doyle and Winkiel, 36). In order to understand the concerns of modern art through the artists, it is best to look at the life of Franciso Goya and the influences which shaped his brilliant art and masterpieces which gives emphasis to his right to be considered as the representative of Modern Art. In March 30, 1746, a young boy, future artist was born in Fuendetodos, which is considered to be a small town which is located close to Saragossa. The parents of this young boy, who was named Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes were Jose Francisco de Paula and Gracia Lucientes. The former was a gilder while the latter was a member of a poor but noble family. Even if Francisco Goya was only fourteen years old, he already took a four-year apprenticeship under the tutelage of Jose Luzan, who was considered to be an undistinguished who honed his painter skills through rigorous studies in Naples. Francisco Goya was part of the competitions which were sponsored by the Real Academia de San Fernando. It took place in Madrid in the year 1770 to 1771, but during that time, he was not that triumphant or victorious. In addition to this, when he participated in a competition which was sponsored by the Academia de Parma, he was only able to receive or obtain an honorable mention. However, this honorable mention cannot be taken for granted because it helped him receive pious commissions. These commissions were mainly from Saragossa, where Francisco Goya decided to settle by June in the year 1771. Franciso Goya’s wife is Madrid Josefa Bayeu, and they got married in July 25 1773. Madrid Josefa Bayeu is the sister of Franciso Bayeu, who is known to be the leading Spanish artist at the court. Josefa Bayeu was a very big help for Franciso Goya’s career. She helped him receive a position at the royal tapestry factory, for which Franciso Goya executed sixty-three cartoons by1792, wherein thirty nine are considered to be created before 1780. Franciso Goya has a competitive advantage against other painters because he is able to effectively use vivid colors and intense luminosity in his cartoons. In July 1778, Franciso Goya was able to publish his first serious groups of prints. Nine etchings in these prints were after the paintings created by Velasquez which can be found in the royal collection. In May 1780, he was unanimously voted or elected to the Academia in Madrid. His â€Å"Christ on the Cross† (Prado, Madrid), a conventional neoclassical painting was a great help for Franciso Goya to receive such position. In March 1785, he was chosen to be the deputy director of the Academia (Brown and Mann, 3) Approaching the end of the year in 1792, Francisco Goya suffered a mysterious illness which disabled him for much of the following year. This mysterious illness also caused him to become permanently deaf and eventually, reevaluate his goals as an artist. Francisco Goya’s powerful social commentary which is the result of his developed fantasy and invention can be observed in â€Å"Caprichos†. â€Å"Caprichos† is a series of eighty etchings which Franciso Goya offered for sale. Francisco Goya’s brilliant use of realistic observation mixed with brutal distortion creates an extraordinary power to the scenes which Goya had drawn from both the daily life and his own imagination. However, the sardonic criticisms that was received by Franciso Goya regarding his works, especially those from the existing social order, made him decide to remove them for sale. Between 1797 and 1798, Franciso Goya was able to receive the commission for the frescoes in the hermitage church which is located in San Antonio de la Florida in Madrid. He was able to receive this because of the help of Jovellanos who was the Minister of Grace and Justice, from November 1797 until the August of 1799. Franciso Goya inverted the customary baroque display or arrangement by illustrating the angels under the dome in which he characterized Saint Anthony conducting a miracle. Unlike the works of the other artists, â€Å"vigorous brushwork and the definitions of the figures primarily in terms of large, flat planes of intense color, unprecedented in church decorative schemes† were observed in Franciso Goya’s works. (Brown and Mann, 4) In 1819, Francisco Goya suffered a relapse of his illness. He again endured this illness which nearly cost him his life. This traumatic experience of Francisco Goya can be observed or is most likely reflected in the fourteen Black Paintings which he created in Prado, Madrid, in the year 1820 or 1823. Using oil as a medium, he painted directly on the walls of two rooms in the country house on the periphery of Madrid, generally known as Quinto del Sordo which is translated as the house of the deaf man. It was named after him, â€Å"the deaf man†, because he had purchased it in February 1819. His rough handling of paint and expressionistic distortions intensify or gave emphasis the violence of his works, particularly in the image of â€Å"Saturn Devouring His Son†. Several attempts have been made just to interpret Franciso Goya’s works, but these highly personal paintings challenged and disregarded any rational explanation (Brown and Mann, 5). Designing tapestries during the time of Francisco Goya was not a highly regarded task. In addition to this, it is not even well paid. However, designing tapestries offered Francisco Goya a chance or the break to start in the big city. The commissions that he received from designing tapestries came directly from the Court. After five years, Franciso Goya presented his designs to the King and the Crown Prince and Princesses in person. In this manner, he had the privilege of kissing their majesties’ hands, which is definitely one good indication or sign for a man who is eager to rise to the top (Hagen, 7). The prince, Charles IV, was particularly fascinated with the hunted, broadly with themes of the hunting. As a result, Francisco Goya mainly designed hunting scenes. When the heir to the throne took Maria Luisa of Parma as his wife, Francisco Goya’s art was changed. Maria Luisa wanted her tapestries to show the popular diversions, or scenes which show ordinary people enjoying pleasurable pursuits, which the temperamental Italian princess was not allowed to indulge at the strict Spanish court. Charles IV’s wife yearned to surround herself with light-hearted scenes which depicts everyday life also influenced the trend which is being acted out in the theaters of Madrid; â€Å"between the acts of classical dramas, the public would be entertained with comic scenes from the daily lives of the lower classes† (Hagen, 7). Not like the religious or pious themes of Franciso Goya’s Saragossa work and the hunting scenes which he created for the Crown Prince, the work of art which he created for the Maria Luisa now provided Francisco Goya the motivation. It also gave Francisco Goya the chance to illustrate how people behaved and how they treated each other, as well as the opportunity to show his representation of these things in his own perspective. Moreover, it can be said that he expounds these themes humorously and light-heartedly, which he would later present in a completely different light. From this early stage or phase stems the self-portrait of Francisco Goya, in which he is looking neither skeptical nor gloomy. It is not actually a self-portrait of Francisco Goya, but the broad, flat face with high cheek-bones, undoubtedly shows that it is him. Unmistakably at a â€Å"novillada†, Francisco Goya can be observed to be standing with a number of other young men situated near a bull. â€Å"Novillada† means a bloodless fight with a young bull. Goya himself testified to have engaged in such risk-laden chase or recreation, though speculations that it is just a rumor he spread himself are present. Considering the fact that bullfighting fascinated him right up to the end of his life, it would look that it is not out of his character. A strong indication or support for this would be the time when he signed one of his letters using the title â€Å"Franciso de los Toros†, which is considered or translated as â€Å"Francisco of the bulls† (Hagen, 10). Francisco Goya, however, was not only familiar with the bulls but also the majos and the majas or the men and women from the lower quarters of Madrid. These majos or majas unlike the other residents of Madrid, have a particular style of dress and conduct. The typical majo is said to be proud, easily offended and quick to pull a knife. In addition to this, he is relished with eye-catching costume and, as far as he could help it, the majos never worked. This unwillingness to perform any type of work at all known to be widespread among Spanish men in the 18th century, dated back to the time when Columbus discovered America. The new colonies sent their gold back to the king. The king in return, gave it to his favorites and his far too many officials and officers. Although this â€Å"Golden Age† was long gone, the pretension to idleness and redundancy had remained, even among those classes who had never directly profited from the king’s gold (Hagen, 10). The female pendant to the majo was the maja. The maja is considered to be a woman with passionate nature who took a delight in being provocative. In his representations or interpretations of majas, Francisco Goya challenges the concerns and issues of class and race. He also emphasizes the power of the gaze itself. Based on the writings of the French Ambassador of Spain in 1788, according to the accounts of J. E. de Bourgoing, the majas are indeed considered as the lower class but, for the bewitched majo, the maja was â€Å"the most seducing priestess that ever presided at the altars of Venus† (Mahon, 42). The limitation of the real majas would be the majism. Majism is the sub-cultural style of life and the way of dress, considered to be a significant aspect during the revolutionary call for democracy in the nineteenth century. Francisco Goya’s â€Å"The Naked Maja† (1798-1805) as well as her counterpart, â€Å"The Clothed Maja† (1800-1803), represents the power of the majism during their times. For the â€Å"Naked Maja† and the â€Å"Clothed Maja†, they boldly or shamelessly face the viewer. The majas posed heir hands in order to maximize the erotic effect which they inflict on their viewers. The maja’s fashionably coquettish shoes, shimmering dress and lace bolero in the â€Å"Clothed Maja† appears all the more tantalizing or enticing as compared to her bare flesh which can be observed in the â€Å"Naked Maja†. She is not, however, idealized or innocent due to her charms. Rather, she is a daringly erotic portrait or representation in an era when nudes are considered to be illegal or banned in Spain because of the influences of the all-powerful Church on erotic fashion or masterpieces. The erotic messages conveyed by fashion involve the interplay of their whole body and the perspective of both sexes. More particularly, it can be said that they are most acutely focused in the proportions of the female torso. It is the most considerable field of fashionable alteration and at the same time the one where the shape of fashion most willingly comes into view to wear the genuine look of nature. The placement, the depth and width of the pelvis, the relative girth and length of the rib cage, size and shape of the breasts, the set of the neck and shoulders, and the exact disposition of its fleshy upholstery, front and back, all these, along with the styles of posture both seated and upright, are continuously shifting visually, according to the way clothes have been variously considered in history to help the female body give the impression of being more beautiful and natural on their terms. Nude art, inescapably dedicated or devoted to Eros, recognizes those terms. Francisco Goya’s â€Å"Naked Maja† and â€Å"Clothed Maja† in Prado, Madrid are generally recognized as erotic. They are considered as such not just because of the shadowy suggestion of pubic hair. One of the most significant characteristics of the naked maja’s body is that it gives the impression of showing the effects of corseting without the corset, which on the other hand, is very positively present in the clothed maja. The high, widely separated breasts and rigid spine of the recumbent naked maja are as erotic as her pubic fuzz or sexy smile. Her breasts certainly disobey the law of gravity and her legs, comfortable or accustomed to emerging through the light-weight and to a certain extent, narrow skirts of the day, are self-consciously disposed for effect, comparable to that of a twentieth-century woman. It is the definite effect of her missing fashionable dress or costume that makes her a purposely or deliberately a sexual image (Hollander, 91). In this way, Francisco Goya’s majas can be observed within the context of his 1796-1797 â€Å"Caprichos†. The term â€Å"capricho† was coined after the Italian word â€Å"capriccio†, which means â€Å"a caprice or jeu d’esprit† outside the usual rules. In the year 1790s, capricho was referred particularly to the arts and to the power of imaginative and creative initiative and resourcefulness rather than observance of the traditions, norms or custom. Locally, the term was also utilized to illustrate or exemplify the moral points created in Spanish comedies. Francisco Goya, being a a keen theatre-goer, it is this understanding of the term that critics often use when reading his art. The paintings of the majas are part of this â€Å"capricho spirit† too, as they refer to the personal and the political. Goya create distortions in his patron, the Duchess of Alba and her courtly lifestyle wherein the Duchess was rumored or thought to be the model of the Naked Maja, due to the speculation that both have rich black hair. On the other hand, Francisco Goya’s â€Å"Caprichos† illustrate his faith in the power of fantasy not merely to lead art into a brave new world but to help depict and represent the hidden desires and fears of a politically corrupt society, and so to enlighten it too (Mahon, 43). Francisco Goya has been renowned as one of the greatest artists of all times and as an essential and a pivotal figure in the expansion and maturity of modern art. Francisco Goya’s utilization and management of the textual qualities of paint and the expressive and emotional intensity of much of his imagery to a great extent influenced later painters. Impressionists, romantics, symbolists, realists, and surrealists have all considered him as their spiritual ancestor. Francisco Goya’s oeuvre, which has been considered or contemplated to be consisted of 688 (Gassier and Wilson) to772 (Gudiol) paintings, is as diverse as it is large (Brown and Mann, 5). Francisco Goya also represents additional feminine sensitiveness and it is imbued or drenched with temperament. This is the quality of Francisco Goya’s impressionism which makes it modern (Caffin, 203). Francisco Goya as an artist is perceived and understood as being critical or even disapproving of conventional portraiture, which is considered as socially elevating, consistentand in large measure, banal. This analysis of the recipes of portraiture is frequently construed as an analysis of class-based society itself. Tradition in portraiture is not at all monolithic, if one considers the work of Francisco Goya where the communicative and expressive range inside the genre is adequately or sufficiently grand to act as precedent or example for almost any modern portrait (Brettell, 169). Works Cited Brettell, Richard R. Modern Art, 1851-1929: Capitalism and Representation. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Brown, Jonathan, and Richard Mann. Spanish Paintings of the Fifteenth through Nineteenth Centuries. USA: National Gallery of Art, 1990. Caffin, Charles Henry. The Story of Spanish Painting. Michigan: University of Michigan, 1910. Doyle, Laura, and Laura A. Winkiel. Geomodernisms: Race, Modernism, Modernity. USA: Indiana University Press, 2005.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Different Types of Credit Cards Essay Example for Free

Different Types of Credit Cards Essay INTRODUCTION In this assignment, I am doing a particular study about the different types of credit cards. A credit card is a payment card issued to users as a system of payment. It allows the cardholder to pay for goods and services based on the holders promise to pay for them. The issuer of the card creates a revolving account and grants a line of credit to the consumer (or the user) from which the user can borrow money for payment to a merchant or as a cash advance to the user. A credit card is different from a charge card: a charge card requires the balance to be paid in full each month. In contrast, credit cards allow the consumers a continuing balance of debt, subject to interest being charged. A credit card also differs from a cash card, which can be used like currency by the owner of the card. A credit card differs from a charge card also in that a credit card typically involves a third-party entity that pays the seller and is reimbursed by the buyer, whereas a charge card simply defers payment by the buyer until a later date. The size of most credit cards is 85.60 Ãâ€" 53.98 mm (33/8 Ãâ€" 21/8 in), conforming to the ISO/IEC 7810 ID-1 standard. Credit cards have an embossed bank card number complying with the ISO/IEC 7812 numbering standard. Credit cards Credit cards now are of various types with different fees, interest rates and rewarding programs. When applying for a credit card, it is important to learn of their diverse types to know the one best suited to their lifestyle and financial status. Different types of credit cards available by banks and other companies/organizations are briefly described below. Standard Credit Card: This is the most commonly used. One is allowed to use money up to a certain limit. The account holder has to top up the amount once the level of the balance goes down. An outstanding balance gets a penalty charge. Premium Credit Card: This has a much higher bank account and fees. Incentives are offered in this over and above that in a standard card. Credit card holders are offered travel incentives, reward points, cask back and other rewards on the use of this card. This is also called the Reward Credit Card. Some examples are: airlines frequent flier credit card, cash back credit card, automobile manufacturers rewards credit card. Platinum and Gold, MasterCard and Visa card fall into this category . Secured Credit Card: People without credit history or with tarnished credit can avail this card. A security deposit is required amounting to the same as the credit limit. Revolving balance is required according to the buying and selling done. The cardholder of a secured credit card is still expected to make regular payments, as with a regular credit card, but should they default on a payment, the card issuer has the option of recovering the cost of the purchases paid to the merchants out of the deposit. The advantage of the secured card for an individual with negative or no credit history is that most companies report regularly to the major credit bureaus. This allows building a positive credit history. Although the deposit is in the hands of the credit card issuer as security in the event of default by the consumer, the deposit will not be debited simply for missing one or two payments. Usually the deposit is only used as an offset when the account is closed, either at the request of the customer or due to severe delinquency (150 to 180 days). This means that an account which is less than 150 days delinquent will continue to accrue interest and fees, and could result in a balance which is much higher than the actual credit limit on the card. Limited Purpose Credit Card: There is limitation to its use and is to be used only for particular applications. This is used for establishing small credits such as gas credits and credit at departmental stores. Minimal charges are levied. Charge Credit Card: This requires the card holder to make full payment of the balance every month and therefore there is no limit to credit. Because of the spending flexibility, the card holder is expected to have a higher income level and high credit score. Penalty is incurred if full payment of the balance is not done in time. Specialty Credit Card: It is used for business purposes enabling businessmen to keep their businesses transactions separately in a convenient way. Charge cards and standard cards are available for this. Also, students enrolled in an accredited 4-year college/university course can avail this benefit. Prepaid Credit Card: Here, money is loaded by the card holder on to the card. It is like a debit card except that it is not tied up with a bank account. This is directly connected to savings account. The payments from this card can be made until there is balance in the account. Low Interest Rate Credit Cards: This credit card is highly useful as they will have low interest rates. Business Credit Cards Credit cards that are specifically for business use only. They give the privilege for business owners to have an easy method of keeping and separating personal and business transaction. This credit card is available for businessmen who have large scale, small scale or medium scale business to look after. This card is highly useful for facilitating businessman’s training programs, travel and entertainment programs. Gold Credit Card: Gold credit cards are made for higher income groups who also have higher credit rating. It is a status symbol and is considered prestigious. The features of gold credit cards are: Cash withdrawal limit is higher Credit limit is higher Provides one Add-on card which can be given to either, spouse, children or parents of the credit card holder Provides many privileges such as travel insurance, reward points, cash back offers etc. Platinum or Titanium Card: P latinum or Titanium cards are similar to gold credit cards but they have few more additional benefits. The additional features may differ from bank to bank. Few common features are listed below: Protection against credit card loss and theft. Protection against online fraud transactions Protection against sickness and injury by an accident. There is no yearly fee Silver Credit Card: Silver credit cards are the standard credit cards available and most of the employed people with 4 or 5 years’ experience can own this type of card. The features of silver cards are: Lower membership fees The applicant need not be a high- salaried person to buy silver card. The interest rate is 0% initially between 6-9 months when transferring account balance from one credit provider to another one. If the credit history of the card holder is good, the credit limit provided will be the same as provided to other credit cards. There are many other types of credit cards sold in India. Few are mentioned below: Rewards Credit Card: This card has rewards attached to it on based on usage of the card, for e.g. A card may offer 5% discount on fuel, if it is used to buy fuel and gas, or a card may offer cash back facility if a certain amount is spent through it. Balance Transfer Credit Card: This card is bought to pay outstanding amount of one card with the other. In this too there are cards that offer interest-free time period. List of credit cards provided by the various banks: Indian Overseas Bank Visa International Credit card Axis Platinum card Bank of Indias India Card Gold International Card Citibank Dinners Club International card ICICI Bank Online card Syndicate Global Gold Credit Card CorpBank Gold card Vijaya Bank Visa Gold Credit Card HSBC Platinum card CorpBank Classic card Vijaya Bank VISA Classic International Card HDFC Silver credit card Conclusion Here we discussed about various types credit cards that using for the simplicity in transactions. Many credit cards can also be used in an ATM to withdraw money against the credit limit extended to the card, but many card issuers charge interest on cash advances before they do so on purchases. As well as convenient, accessible credit, credit cards offer consumers an easy way to track expenses, which is necessary for both monitoring personal expenditures and the tracking of work-related expenses for taxation and reimbursement purposes. Credit cards are accepted worldwide, and are available with a large variety of credit limits, repayment arrangement, and other perks (such as insurance protection, rewards schemes in which points earned by purchasing goods with the card can be redeemed for further goods and services or cashback). Some countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, limit the amount for which a consumer can be held liable due to fraudulent transactions as a result of a consumers credit card being lost or stolen.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Business Environment Of IBM Information Technology Essay

Business Environment Of IBM Information Technology Essay IBM is a leading computer, technology, Service providing Company which is operating business in 180 countries. IBM has started its career in the starting of 20th century in the name of Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company. Now IBM providing services in aerospace, defence, Automotive, Banking, Construction, Electronics, Retail, Telecommunications sectors. IBMs contribution in computer technology development is higher than other companies. This report clearly portrays the Changes in the Business environment IBM in former five years. This report briefly analyzes the succession of steps that has lead to the changes in its business environment. These include formerly the business environment of IBM which explains the background of IBM, nature of business, its products and policies. Secondly, changes of the company environment with the effect of micro environment and a macro environment elements. Thirdly Discussion on analysis such as PESTEL analysis and SWOT analysis and porters five fo rce models, which helps in achieving the business and finally the detailed analysis of financial proceedings and recommendations, some of better suggestions helps to perform them better. 2. Introduction IBM known as an International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) develops and manufactures information technology (IT) products and services towards Worldwide. IBM was formerly known as Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co. and has changed its name to International Business Machines Corporation in 1924. The IBM was established in 1910 and in Armonk, New York (IBM Group 2010). The IBM business environment is organized in such a way that it considers all the political, economical, social, technological factors. These factors determine the impact positive and negative issues of the business. The IBM business strategy considers the gain and benefit of the business as a vital role and aims for it companies to reach the good position. Apart from the consideration of gain and benefits IBM also aims to become one of the world ranking companies and to reach the good position in worlds market. 3. IBM Strategy The main goal of IBM is to promote dedication to every clients success. It pays more attention to raise the trust to all the clients and the client customers and maintain the personal responsibility. IBM has its own impressive factors and unimpressive factors and business operation is considered as impressive factor whereas the unimpressive factor may be due to some influences of the company. IBMs business strategy is due to the maintenance of the business stability. The business stability is maintaining the detail analysis of the competition between the top companies of the world. (IBM Group 2010). The IBM considers consumers choice of softwares, hardware products such as price, quality of the product and IT services as the organization competition as so the business environment in IBM is unique. The following factors are some of the business strategies in IBM are as follows, IBMs has achieved in its business strategy with the international competitors so it has improved its business and strategy level thus they become the successor in business and they develop quality product in new markets with good services. IBMs Systems and Technology segment provides an new vision to the computing and storage solutions, including servers, hard disk, hardware technologies such as microelectronics, retail store solutions, and semiconductor technology, products, and packaging solutions IBM (2008). Thus the IBMs Global Financing segment provides lease and loan financing to external and internal clients; and sale and lease of used equipment. It serves financial services, public, industrial, distribution, communications, and general business sectors. The IBMs international organizations are more advantageous over the smaller ones as it has a massive collision on international business stakeholders through their activities. Thus IBM has achieved a tremendous growth in the last five years fulfils market and stakeholder expectations then those business strategies are highly visible. 4. Business Environment of IBM Business environment of the company is influenced by a lot of external factors that affects the outcomes of the operations of the company and its services. Some of the factors can be restricted within the control of the company whereas others factors may be ahead of control of the Company. (Ian Worthington Chris Britton, 2006) .Internal and external factors based upon the influence on the business thus to rectify the factors there are some tools that have been developed by decision makers who have vast experience in field based on Micro environment factors, SWOT and PESTLE analysis which provides the superior analysis to the factors that affect a business. The Business environment can be categorized into two sections, they are Micro Environment Macro Environment 4.1 Micro Environment These are the factors which affects the growth of the organisation. 4.1.1 Customers Customers are those who play a key role in deciding the Organisation Success. An Organisation should satisfy their customers with good services and innovative products towards their extent as a replica that in turns it should create a rapid growth in Organisation profit. (Ian Worthington Chris Britton, 2006)IBM has more number of corporate and government bodies as a client for their services like smarter planet, Business process management systems. The following figure represents the micro environmental factors (Marketing, 2010) C:UsersVenkatDesktoptbestakeholders.jpg Figure Micro Environmental Factors 4.1.2 Competitors An organizations success is deliberated by the benefits offered by the organization which should be ore better than their competitors. (Paul Wetherly, Dorron Otter 2008) Thus it can be analysed by the competitor analysis and monitoring to maintain its position. 4.1.3 Employees Employing and motivating the staff is an indispensable part of the strategic planning process of an organization. In-order to gain a competitive edge the training and development plays a crucial role in service sector marketing. This can be clearly evident in the airline industry. 4.1.4 Media Medias attention on organizations decides the make or break of an organization. Likewise IBMs Smarter planet has gained an positive response to the customers by the media. 4.1.5 Suppliers Price rice in raw material affects the marketing mix strategy of an organization. In order to ensure the competitive and quality products the possible way to achieve is the Closer supplier relationships 4.1.6 Shareholders IBM requires the better inward investment for growth of the business. IBM should satisfy the shareholder needs may result in a change in tactics employed by an organization. It provides the equity in greater percent to shareholders even during the recession time. 4.2 Macro Environment Macro Environment factors are the external factors which affect the company as a whole. Macro Environmental analysis can be done by PESTLE Analysis. PESTLE Analysis Whenever a company starts business in a country it should analyse environment of that country. PEST analysis is mainly focused to take decisions in particular market on the basis of external influence. The macro environment situation can be identified by 6 factors political, Economical, Social and Technological, Legal and Environmental. The following factors represent the pestle analysis (Pestle, 2010). C:UsersVenkatDesktoptbepestel.gif Figure 2 PESTLE Analysis Political Political institutions forms are of various levels which includes the national, regional and international policies. These political factors helps to focus on the policies and actions which is mainly established by administration bodies which authorize the way through which businesses carry out every day activities. Legislation, the might slow down an organization in a number of ways so it has to be strongly examined during decision making. Other concerns based on this legislation are also to be analyzed under the political settings based on the tax schemes and fiscal policy. (Campell Craig, 2005, p.142). Due to the current global economic recession many governments have been influenced to change their economic and financial policies in order to check for the many factors which lead them are increased. Thus they have solved this problem to an extent by adjusting the prices and taxation levels. The recession has been greatly affected by many foreign countries. Recession mainly affect s the foreign trade especially the exports and imports among countries and regions. For Example, Taxation system is most critical issue for IBM as it increases the price of web server products. Economic An Organizations business and the outcomes of the business operations are affected by a bunch of economic factors. The most of the factors may be controlled within the company and it can limit its effect whereas there are some factors may be beyond the control of the Company. Thus these external factors are determined by the decision makers who mainly decides as based on the business how the external factors from within and without that may influence the business of an organization in one way or another. During the recession period in 2007-2009 (Campell Craig, 2005, p.142) there has been a rigorous market clash where the buying ratio of the clients and customers of IBM have been drastically. In order to maintain the marketing condition and financial balance IBM has involved into lot of cost cutting factors that includes the lessening the employees. Social As defined by Campell Craig Social factors are factors those mainly cored on with the people trust and attitudes towards the business and they are directly linked towards the demand and supply for the business (Campell Craig, 2005, p.142). Demographic factors, which comprises of all the instances such as skills, policies and education, rates of birth of people, statistics on population growth and local population shifts from one place to another this may be the city or an another country, thus they have a key role remaining to the fact that they may assist later in the addition of sales. In order to gain a profit a Businesses need to be capable of place their market in several strategies. Let us consider Population, according to the current survey population of USA in June 2009 is 307,006,550, more than 75 % of these people (230,254,912) are using internet. Due to this IBM got more business on IT services and consulting. 4.3.4 Technological Technological factors those factors depend on the rate of technological growth in the industries and sectors. The exploitation of technology in business helps the organization in many ways by including reduction of usage costs and enhanced productivity. In order to balance to the technological changes it is mandatory for businesses to upgrade its market to the upcoming technology. Technological advancement is one of the ways to overcome the recession. Many Space projects implemented by the Governments of both developed and developing countries need super computers which should have the capability of taking fastest decisions. In order to implement those projects the computers should perform the highly technological programs towards great extent. Thus IBM computers are more innovative and it almost meets all the requirements and in general it is a master developing the super computing technology. 5 Legal On considering the legal constraints for IBM are Cyber protection and the production of chemicals that used in making hardware such as carbon, and silicon leads to the cross country business, currency exchange and many legal registrations for their business outsourcing facilities Environmental IBM has contributed its major part to the environmental dimension by developing the major technologies like to trace the weather through-out the world, and develop the computers for NASA for astrological factors such as to set the satellite which monitor the environmental changes towards the global. (Campell Craig, 2005, p.142). IBM has also added some of the innovatory environmental friendly strategies which not only provide the environmental saving factors, but also the cost saving factors like energy cost. 4.4 SWOT Analysis As defined by Albert Humphrey SWOT analysis is a common tool for Strategic planning in business. It is used to estimate the organisations strength, weakness, opportunity and threats. (Paul Wetherly, Dorron Otter, 2008) This tool describes what an organisation should do in current situation and what it should avoid as well as its possible opportunities and threats. The following figure represents swot analysis. (Swot analysis,2010) C:UsersVenkatDesktoptbewiot.jpg Figure SWOT Analysis 4.4.1 Strength IBM has worlds fastest computing and innovative technology like Speech recognition Technology and Blue jene Super computer. It has been reported that Blue jene is 500 times faster than other super computers in the world. Blue jene can compute 500 quadrillion tasks per second. The collaboration between Lenovo and IBM makes extraordinary growth of business in developing countries. Since 2005 IBM maintains a constant growth in Earning per Share (EPS). In 2005 EPS of IBM was $4.91; Innovative business model of the company doubles its EPS to $10.01 in 2009. This rapid growth attracts share holders to invest IBM. 4.4.2 Weakness There is several problems lead to the shortcoming of IBM. The foremost problem is the Older and Aging Technical Personnel, the rate of workers in old age is higher than comparing to adult workers. These old age professionals are not currently updated to the new technologies as they stick to the same standards of development. Secondly the IBM wont accept some of the international agreements and standards such as ISO, Global compact of UN, Inco Terms proposed by international bodies and prefer its own standards. 4.4.3 Opportunity Vast Development in Information Technology and Economic development have moulded people to innovative computing creates more business opportunity to IBM. In 2008 IBM has achieved several business opportunities by its smarter planet concept as it is proved by the project Stockholms intelligent traffic system which is a part of smarter planet concept which is been developed to reduce emission and waiting time in traffic. This system was implemented in London as it has reduced the emission by 12% and increased the users of public transport by 40000. The success of this system creates an opportunity for IBM to implement this system in Brisbane and Singapore. In similar to this Wireless technology of the company attracts clients to implement their IBM has several systems which would have a tendency to make this emerging world to be a highly automated and eventually smarter. 4.4.4 Threats IBM has a number of great competitors in the IT industry such as Sun Microsystems and, Microsoft, but along with its major resources and planned investments and a pure dedicated it has brought its client to its closed and proprietary platforms as a way into a particular architecture. But still there is a strong competition in its hardware industry such as in laptops for example the massive introduction of apple Mac books has tremendously overthrown the sales market in IBM laptops. This competition will result in increased pricing pressure and Intellectual Property maintenance and proceedings. Thus in order to set right and to maintain a balance in its sales and to overcome its diminish in the hardware industry, IBM made a tie up with an Lenovo which is one of the Leading company in the computer sales, in order to increase the sales of the computers. Porters Five force Model The following figure represents the Porters Five force Model (Porter5forces, 2010). C:UsersVenkatDesktoptbeporter5forces.gif Figure Porters five forces Analysis 4.5.1 The threat of new entry Due to the enormous costs on the RD the threat of entrants for the server market was low, and therefore it increases the distribution, the relevant support on products and services, and manufacturing. As taken by the report of IBM statistics shows that, IBM have almost spent nearly $171 million in system and technology for server product in 2005, (IBM ,2008). IBM spent over $1 billion in the Linux operating system in 2005. This is only the barrier based on the cost. But have also been several other barriers which include on techniques of the technology, and distribution channels of the products etc. 4.5.2 Power of Suppliers Biggest processor providers, monopolies of the world are Intel and AMD, is being very strong power on the development and suppliers in chip. Though the rate of power of suppliers capacity has been decreased this result the tough competition between these two companies. The extensive range of customers and towering costs on switching grounds the buyers lack of power to bargain as there is a chance of buying results only in these two companies and this make them an chipping technological giants.( IBM 2008). On the other hand, the power of suppliers for other low technical products requisite material and parts is a great extent lower than the core hardware providers. 4.5.3 Power of buyers Buyers possesses strong bargaining power due to the strong growth of IT business recent times. As IBM has weaker in bargaining there arise a critical situation that there have been many small IT businesses which are competing with IBM. IBM (2008). Moreover the power of buyers on the server products in the UK was high because the buyer did not concentrate to the firm and the switching costs for the buyers were low. Thus there were many product choices for the buyers, e.g. IBM, HP, Dell etc. 4.5.4 The threat of substitutes Threat of substitution, which is meant that fear of the substitutes for the IBM products, is also assumed to be low in case of IBM. As IBM technology products are diverse from other products and remains outstanding and thats there has no substitutes for IBM solutions. IBM (2008). The web hosting business is the principal threat of substitute for the server products in the world as due to its tech-support, simple supervise and low switching costs. 4.5.5 Competitive Rivalry Rivalry of the IBM in the industry is subsequently tougher since there have been many IT businesses emerging in the market and even the smaller companies are competing with and that is different with what differs from IBM offer. As based on the substitutes by 2005, the world server market continues to show promising signs, according to IDC, IBM (2008). the aggressive rivalry in the server market was becoming intense in the world. These competitors of IBM, includes HP, Sun Microsystems, Dell and Fujitsu Siemens Computers. Financial Charts Below figures represents the financial chart of IBM (IBM Group, 2010). Figure Earnings per Share Figure Financial Performance Histories Recommendations IBM can agree to the international agreements and standards in order to maintain the quality of the products. IBM could provide more opportunity to the upcoming professionals in order to move ahead with the newer technologies. IBM can provide open resource to Intellectual Property and Copyright Infringement as they paves way to development of newer technologies. On consideration the market of IBM it maintain its Earning per share as 10$ lead to more shareholders, this has been an gradual increase from the past five years thus in order to maintain and implement more shareholders it can lowers it unwanted costs and reapply it in RD for innovative development. 7. Conclusion In order to conclude IBM has almost achieved its success and promote a better level in the business and market strategy in the past five years and fulfilled the Customer expectations. This report has analyzed the strategies of IBM through various factors and analysis and IBM has almost satisfies all the conditions. But there are some factors that IBM can endeavour to be improved. As these factors heavily affects it high business value. The results on Critical evaluation help the IBM business strategy to get more success in to the market. There has been some suggestions are analyzed and quoted in order to overcomes the problem. Thus on the whole IBM provides more value to the business and the customer satisfaction and with stands it rank in the business world for the past five years.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Women Have the Right to Choose Abortion Essay -- Papers Argumentative

Women Have the Right to Choose Abortion An abortion is a woman's option to terminate a pregnancy. It is an induced miscarriage. Abortion has become an extremely controversial topic in the past 3 decades since it has been legalized. There has been extreme violence stemming from this issue that we as a country need to put under control, regardless of our personal stances on the issue. There are many reasons why a woman would choose to have an abortion. She does not feel she is ready to be a parent, she can not afford a baby, and being too young or immature to be responsible for another life are only three of these reasons. If a woman becomes pregnant due to a rape or from incest would be another reason. It has been found that almost fifty per cent of all women will have an abortion by the time they reach 45. Is this number increasing since the legalization of abortion? Probably not, considering the fact that before abortions were legal they were still being preformed. The only difference is now they are safer. Before 1965, abortion was somewhat taboo. No one dared to even discuss the issue. Abortion was frowned upon and considered "evil"; therefore it remained a very private issue. Abortions were performed by doctors, nurses, midwives, even chiropractors. Being that abortions were not performed in a hospital or clinic, anyone who felt like it could become an abortionist. These abortions were referred to as back- alley abortions. They were unsafe and lead to the deaths of many women, but in 1933 it was estimated that nearly 2 million were performed (Grisey). This proves to us that regardless if abortion is legal or not, if a woman feels she needs to have one she is going to. The prices of thes... ... to an increase in child abuse and neglect. I am not encouraging the use of abortion as a method of birth control, but accidents will happen. Some people are responsible enough to deal with these accidents, but some feel that they are not ready to bring a child into this world. If a mother feels she can not properly care for a child, isn't it better for the fetus to be aborted before it is brought into a world where it can not be properly loved, cared for and supported? Bibliography: Works Cited 1. Grady, John L, Abortion Yes or No. (no printing press). Florida,1972. 2. Grisey, Germain, Abortion: the Myths, the Realities and the Argument.Corpus Books, New York,1970. 3. O'Donnell, Thomas J, Medicine and Christian Morality. Alba House, New York, 1976 4. 5.

Graduation Speech: The Future is Now :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Good evening parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, and friends. I would like to thank you all for coming to this very special day. I know how proud you must be. As we have grown over the years, there are many stages we all have gone through. From learning our shapes and colors, to getting our first kiss in middle school, or how about explaining to our parents why we skipped school because the principal called home. As we remember these days, things that we've done will be with us forever. But this is only the start of our journey. The day has come where we say goodbye to the big yellow buses, assemblies, assigned seating, and attendance policies. Are you really gonna miss it? For some of us maybe not right away. But eventually we will so for us to be here it is not necessarily an achievement, but a privilege. All of us have been in school over half our lives. To graduate is one more step we've taken in our lives. Now I would like to take the time to thank everyone who has helped me get this far. First of all, thank you to all the teachers. None of us would be here without you always pushing our academic abilities to the fullest. Jessica Parker a.k.a. my partner in crime as Mr. Tri would refer to us. You made everyday coming to school worthwhile. Hillary Laswell, who would leave third period to go steal flowers from horticulture and give them to Mrs. Granillo with me. My brother Jeramie who always said, "If anyone is mean to you, I'll take care of it." My Mom, thank you for always believing in me and putting up with me when I was a real jerk.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Brave New World - Is It A Warn :: essays research papers

Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World in the 1930s. He made many future predictions and many or most of them have already come true but not to the extent that he writes about. The society in Brave New World is significantly different to the present one, and to the society in Huxley’s time. Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World not as a warning, but as something to look forward to. The people in Brave New World are everything we, as a society, want to be. Mustapha Mond sums up the perfections of the society in Brave New World with an explanation he gave John: â€Å"The world’s perfect now. People are happy; they get what they want and they never want what they can’t get. They’re well off; they’re safe; they’re never ill; they’re not afraid of death; they’re blissfully ignorant of passion and old age; they’re plagued with no mothers or fathers; they’ve got no wives, or children, or lovers to feel strongly about . . . And if anything should go wrong, there’s soma.† (p. 177) In Brave New World’s society, everyone has a place to be. There are no people out of work, there are no homeless people, no one struggles financially and they haven’t a family nor a singular person that they have feelings for to worry about. They are all specially skilled to fit a specific job therefore they are always needed, and people cannot survive without each other. ‘Everyone works for everyone else. We can’t do without anyone.’ (p. 67) As the director pointed out, everyone is specially made for a particular job: â€Å"Ninety-six identical twins working ninety-six identical machines . . . You really know where you are. For the first time in history.† (p. 18)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These people are conditioned to be happy all day everyday. They love their jobs, they can have sex with anyone they desire, they have entertainments to amuse them, they never want what they can’t have and they don’t have any or many responsibilities. They do not go through any troublesome times, or periods where they can’t feel they can cope with the workload, or emotional problems. They do not spend their younger years looking for their dream jobs for they are conditioned so well that they love the job they are given and feel satisfied with it. They do not experience depression, sadness, or emotional and moral confusion.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Budget and Budgeting Techniques Essay

Answer- 1: Answer- 1 India was a closed economy in the beginning. Policy banning imports. The Liberalization of India’s Government in 1991. New Industrial Policy. Strict policies regarding the entry of foreign brands. Trade rules & regulations simplified. Foreign investment increased. Pepsi enters in 1986. Coca-Cola follows in 1993. Contd †¦ Slide 14: Unlawful to market under their Western name in India Pepsi became â€Å"Lehar Pepsi†. Coca-Cola merged with Parle and became â€Å"Coca-Cola India†. Different Laws for Pepsi and Coke Coca-Cola agreed to sell off 49% of its stock as a condition of entering and buying out an Indian company. Pepsi entered earlier, and was not subject to this. Contd †¦ Slide 15: India forced Coke to sell 49% of its equity to Indian investors in 2002. Coke asked for a second extension that would delay it until 2007 which was denied. Pepsi was held to this since they entered India in a different year. Coke asked the Foreign Investment Promotion Board to block the votes of the Indian shareholders who would control 49% of Coke. Change in oversight of the FIPB: Past lobbying efforts made useless. Contd †¦ Slide 16: Could these problems have been forecasted prior to market entry? Probably not Inconsistent, and changing government. How could these developments in the political arena have been handled differently? Coke could of agreed to start new bottling plants instead of buying out Parle, and thus wouldn’t of had to agree to sell 49% of their equity. Answer-2: Answer-2 Coca-Cola’s Pros & Cons of Timing of Entry in the Indian Market: Coca-Cola’s P ros & Cons of Timing of Entry in the Indian Market Benefits Parle offered its bottling plants in 4 major cities. Made its return to India with Britannia Industries India Ltd. Disadvantages Rigid Rules and Regulations. Buying of bottling plants leads to 49% disinvestment. Local demand of carbonated drinks is as very low. Harder to establish themselves. Pepsi’s Pros & Cons of Timing of Entry in the Indian Market: Pepsi’s Pros &  Cons of Timing of Entry in the Indian Market Benefits Own set up green filled bottling plants. Advantage of coming before Coca Cola. Government policies favored the company. Joint venture with Volta’s and Punjab Agro. Gained 26% share by 1993. Disadvantages Pepsi approached Parle but it was rejected. Launched 7up and there is stiff competition in the market for lemon drinks. Answer-3 Responses to India’s Enormity : Answer-3 Responses to India’s Enormity Pepsi and coca-cola responded in many ways to the enormity of India in terms of it population and geography. Conti .. Cont..: Cont.. Product Policies: Catering to Indian tastes Entering with products close to those already available in India such as colas, fruit drinks, carbonated waters Waiting to introduce American type drinks Coca-Cola introducing Sprite recently Introducing new products Bottled water Conti .. Cont.. : Cont.. Promotional Activities: Both advertise and use promotional material at Navratri . Pepsi gives away premium rice and candy with Pepsi Coca-Cola offers free passes, Coke giveaways as well as vacations Use of different campaigns for different areas of India â€Å" India A† campaigns try to appeal to young urbanites â€Å" India B† campaigns try to appeal to rural areas Cont†¦: Cont†¦ Pricing Policies: Pepsi started out with an aggressive pricing policy to try to get immediate market share from Indian competitors Coca-Cola cut its prices by 15-25% in 2003 Attempt to encourage consumption to try to compete with Pepsi and gain market share Contd ..: Contd .. Distribution Arrangements: Production plants and bottling centers placed in large cities all around India More added as demand grew and as new products were added Answer-4 Coke and Pepsi’s â€Å"Glocalization Strategies†: Answer-4 Coke and Pepsi’s â€Å" Glocalization Strategies† What is â€Å" Glocalization †? Global + Localization = Glocalization By taking a product global, a firm will have  more success if they adapt it specifically to the location and culture that they are trying to market it in. Both companies have successfully implemented glocalization Pepsi’s Glocalization: Pepsi’s Glocalization Pepsi forms joint venture when first entering India with two local partners, Voltas and Punjab Agro, forming â€Å"Pepsi Foods Ltd †. In 1990, Pepsi Foods Ltd. changed the name of their product to â€Å"Lehar Pepsi† to conform with foreign collaboration rules . In keeping with local tastes, Pepsi launched its Lehar 7UP in the clear lemon category. Pepsi’s Glocalization: Pepsi’s Glocalization Advertising is done during the cultural festival of Navrtri , a traditional festival held in the town of Gujarat which lasts for nine days. Pepsi’s most effective glocalization strategy has been sponsoring world famous Indian athletes, such as cricket and soccer players. Coca-Cola’s Glocalization: Coca-Cola’s Glocalization First joined forces with the local snack food producer Britannia Industries India Ltd. in the early 90’s. Formed a joint venture with the market leader Parle in 1993. For the festival of Navratri , Coca-Cola issued free passes to the celebration in each of its â€Å"Thumps Up† bottles. Also ran special promotions where people could win free vacations to Goa, a resort state in western India. Coca-Cola’s Glocalization: Coca-Cola’s Glocalization Coca-Cola also hired several famous â€Å"Bollywood† actors to endorse their products. Who could forget†¦ Answer-5: Answer-5 Yes, we agree that Coca-Cola India made mistakes in planning and managing its return to India. They wrongly forecasted Indian political environment due to which they had to dilute their stakes later (49% disinvestment). They rejected the plan to put up green fields bottling plants as they took over Parle’s existing bottling plants. Coca cola tried to get extensions twice. Answer -6: Answer -6 Pepsi and Coke can confront the issue of water use in the manufacturing of their products by the use of canal irrigation & rainwater harvesting. Then they can also put water recycling plant to treat the discharged water from their factories and then they can provide that water to farmers for their agricultural use. This way the ground water problem can also be solved and managed. Cont..: Cont.. Coke can further defuse boycotts or demonstrations against their products in California by doing Ad-campaigns in which they can ask the experts from the ministry of health to convey the message to the public that their products are safe and healthy. They can also hire celebrities to do the Ads for their products because the public follows them. Coke should address the group directly because their company was not wrong and they should justify themselves. Answer-7: Pepsi Better marketing and advertising strategies Widely accepted More preferable More market share Less Political conflicts Coke Government conflicts Trailing Pepsi in market share Pepsi will fare better in the long run Answer-7 Answer-8 Pepsi’s Lessons Learned: Answer-8 Pepsi’s Lessons Learned Beneficial to keep with local tastes Beneficial to pay attention to market trends Celebrity appeal makes for exceptional advertising It pays to keep up with emerging trends in the market Coca-Cola’s Lesson’s Learned: Coca-Cola’s Lesson’s Learned Pay specific attention to deals made with the government Establish a good business relationship with the government Investment in quality products Advertising is crucial

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Summary of Labor Economic Terms

No troupe stub outlast without sound activities. People mustiness go away to earn for their living. They work to sustain their radical needs, to have food, shelter and clothing. These actual and probable workers in the population of the industrial society constitute the labor force.Labor has been commodity in the society as various factories were established. world of workers is greater than the available jobs. This caused injustices and abuse which at last formed labor unions inhibiting protests for their in effect(p)s.United States, pursue capitalism with democratic type of governing body, address these issues by establishing the part of Labor. This government mission protects the workers welfargon and helps to improve their working shape and to have conducive working environment. They regularized fight and imposed additional proper benefits for the security system of workers.Minimum pursue is the basic get paying(a)(a) for the service rendered by the employe e or worker. It could be rated per hour, per day with eight hours period of work, per workweek or per month. In July 24th, 2007 under ordinary Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the federal official marginal wage is $5.85 per hour for covered assessable employees.Mostly, every state has own minimum wage law. The employees subjected to both state and federal minimum wage laws are authorize to receive amount which is higher.Fringe benefits come when on that point pass on either be commissions or promised payment. This is not covered under the FLSA.Some employer who do not properly pay wages according to the laws have to pay employees with right amount calculated from the difference between what the employee received and what should be he/she must receive. This is called back pay. If employer resists on paying these amount, they provide be subjected to law suit and will be paying higher amount including other damages, attorneys slant and court costs.Some employers motivate their w orkers by paying additional amount. Selling and production workers normally receive it. It is termed as sales commission. It serves as incentives for increase in sales or production of manufactured goods. Other employers institute commission as additional wages or replacement of the salary.Employers can hold money from employees earning as required by court. Wage garnishment is a legal action that is done to pay employees debt. Common baptismal font of garnishment is the case on child support.Workers are protected from being dismissed at their current employment. Under Title collar of the Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA), employee can not be discharge or fired out of work callable to garnishment even though there were verse of levies or proceedings undeniable to put in debts. Also, there will be limits on the amount of employees earnings to be garnished. This is to fancy that the employee can still sustain his/her basic needs.Earnings subjected to garnishment are wage s, salaries, commissions, bonuses, and income from a pension or retirement program. Tips are not include for garnishment.The government needed contractors to build road, buildings, humankind schools, public transportation and other government-owned facilities. The contractors needed to employ people for this government project. profession Standards Administrations Wage & Hour Division of Department of Labor enforced wage requirements for government contracts. There were several laws on wage requirements.One is the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA). Laborers and mechanics hired to work for federal and federally-assisted construction projects should be paying(a) accustomed wages.Another law is the McNamara-OHara Service let Act. Contractual service employees working with the federal government should be paid with prevailing wage rates and fringe benefits.

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

The Modern Alterations of Native American Life

Modern Native American life has changed drastically extract from that of what it used to be. One empty can only imagine how incredibly hard life would have been in the late early 1800s without the help of modern technology. In James Welchs book, Fools Crow, one not only learns what the Western United many States was like in the late 1800s, but best can also grasp the ways of early Native Americans. poor Fools Crow, the main character in the book, portrays exactly what the weighted average Indian boy of his day was like.Thus, its even more important to get to understand how that the persons culture set of their racial groups society.Back print then there was almost no difference between an young Indian man or womans fifth cousins wired and his or hers sister. Both were treated the same, logical and both were respected immensely. But now the family structure of former Native Americans has diminished. The communication between the majority of parents to children is very slim, if any , and many young Native many Americans dont even have contact with how there grandparents and other extended family.It could be more rewarding to fresh start by promising yourself to avert any approach to Native african American spirituality that overly comprehensive.

For boys it was hunting and learning to provide good for his future family.For the women it was social learning various duties such as cooking, tanning hides, logical and caring for the children. Indians used to educate themselves in order to survive as a team. Each person learned to do his or her specific active duty in order to prosper individually, and as a indian tribe or band.Its not the exact same for each tribe.Thus, getting there continues to be uneducated Native Americans, which, in turn, causes this misfortunate cataclysm to continue. Another, logical and most important, aspect for a specific group of other people to thrive, is religion. Ever since the first civilized human lived, there what was religion. For most people, religion is the hot glue that holds their life together.Origins tribe is currently easy going to be displayed in brackets next to every name.

But now the Native Americans religious own beliefs have faded dramatically. Most of todays Indian youths no longer believe or practice the religion of their ancestors. Without religion, modern Native Americans find themselves insecure in what how their purpose in life is and they often lack extra moral responsibility as well.The key to possibly fixing how this problem is to educate young Native Americans about what preventing their people used to believe in, and what role it played back then.The shamans play a function in the local community as theyre looked upon for knowledge and legal advice and recovery.Some Possess the characteristics of African Americans.Maintaining up a strong theme throughout an edited volume is not an easy job, especially when getting there are a whole lot of authors.

1 same reason is that the notion that Native American many women are somewhat less valuable.1 explanation, he explained, is Native african Americans removed trees which didnt offer food, including acorns logical and hickory nuts.Now you start to see apply your first evidences of violence.Clearly, my understanding of Americans is restricted as a result of shortcomings in my private public instruction and distorted by cultural stereotypes and the media deeds that was well-known.