Thursday, September 12, 2019

IBM(MR) Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

IBM(MR) - Dissertation Example Its major competitors are Hewlett Packard Co. and Microsoft Corp (AOL Daily Finance, 2011). In order for IBM to remain competitive and to remain at the top it has to ensure that not only its managers and the decision-makers, but also its customers are content with the products that IBM offers. In this regard, IBM generated an annual IT Industry Customer Benchmark Survey (Malhotra 2010, p. 826). The survey results are used to help IBM’s management and decision-makers gain an understanding of how its customers perceive IBM’s competitors. This report examines the survey for its intended purpose and determines the extent to which the survey can generate the intended data for optimal analysis. This research report will identify any weaknesses in the survey and will make recommendations for improvements so that any gaps between IBM and its competitors in terms of customer advantages can be closed in IBM’s favour. The research report provides a background, an analysis o f the data, offers some recommendations and provides a conclusion. ... Introduction During the 1990s IBM acquired a reputation as a â€Å"sinking ship† (Malhotra 2010, p. 825). However, leadership and management within the business has reversed this situation so that IBM is once again in top of the IT industry earning US$103.63 billion in 2008 and is now regarded as the world leader in computer hardware and software products and services. The fact is, IBM maintains leadership in virtually all of the markets that it competes in. (Malhotra 2010, p. 825). At this point, IBM has virtually all the products and services that it needs to effectively compete in and retain leadership in the IT industry. IBM has made significant changes since the 1990s in reorganizing its â€Å"hardware business, merging its desktop and laptop operations† and in 2004, IBM made plans to merge â€Å"technology (microchips) and systems (servers, storage) groups (Malhotra 2010, p. 825). In order to maintain the lead and to remain competitive IBM conducted a survey enti tled the IT Industry Customer Benchmark Survey in 2008. The survey was directed at company officials who make purchasing decisions and respondents were able to choose IBM or one of its competitors as the subject of the survey. The purpose was to provide IBM’s management with the data necessary for making â€Å"strategic decisions to improve IBM’s standing in the eyes of its customers† (Malhotra 2010, p. 826). This report conducts an analysis of the survey itself and determines whether or not it can be improved upon to obtain the intended results. In other words, this report analyses the IT Industry Customer Benchmark Survey, the purposes for which it is intended to be

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