Thursday, May 7, 2020

Lifespan Nutrition Needs Presentation Essay - 1747 Words

Good nutrition plays a positive role in good health, self-sufficiency, and quality of life. An individual’s dietary intake will be affected as they undergo changes in their lives and move from one stage of life to the next. Adequate nutrition is necessary to maintain cognitive and physical functioning, to prevent, reduce, and manage chronic disease and disease-related disabilities, and to sustain health and a good quality of life (Menu and Nutrition Requriements). To meet the body’s daily nutritional needs while minimizing risk for chronic disease, an AMDR, Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range, was established for carbohydrate to be 45-65% of total calories, for fat, 20-35% of total calories, and for protein, 10-35% of total†¦show more content†¦Iron deficiency can affect a child’s physical, mental, and behavioral development, and also can lead to anemia (Feeding Your 1- o 2-Year-Old, 2008). 500 mg of calcium is recommended for toddlers between t he age of one and three. After the age of three, dietary fiber is important because it might prevent diseases later on. Do not feed a baby eggs, citrus fruits and juices, cow’s milk or honey until after the age of one, and no seafood, peanuts or tree nuts before age two or three. A healthy diet helps children grow and learn and also helps to prevent obesity and weight-related diseases, such as diabetes. During the teen years, males generally have higher nutritional needs than females. Males also usually have a greater rate of growth for a longer period of time and therefore, require more nutrients for the development of bone, blood volume and lean tissue. In addition, males gain proportionately more muscle mass during puberty than females and since muscle tissue is more metabolically active, males have a higher metabolic rate. Males require more calories per day and have increased needs for zinc, vitamin A, E and some B vitamins. Females require more iron and folic acid in t heir dietary intake. However, by eating the recommended servings from the Food Guide Pyramid, with careful attention to getting enough calcium, nutritional needs for both male and female teenagers can usually be met (QA/Articles, 2009). HealthyShow MoreRelatedPreschool Nutrition1444 Words   |  6 PagesPreschool Nutrition Service Project The target population of this service project was thirteen preschool children with ages that ranged between four and five years of age. The gender distribution included six boys and seven girls with residence distributed between Porter and La Porte counties of Indiana. Attention to teaching and promotion of good nutrition habits can have lasting positive effects on the growing child. During the preschool years growth is progressing at approximately 4.5 poundsRead MoreThe Skill Of Argumentation Jamie Oliver1035 Words   |  5 Pagesweight and misleading information from fast food companies along with poor education regarding food, both at home and in schools. 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