Friday, October 4, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 108

Assignment Example Another objective of this kind of event is to carry out a research on dementia, in doing this there will be more voluntary participation and making knowledge dissemination easier and making translation and knowledge tools available to the entire public present in the arena. Another possible objective of this event could be to carry out a surveillance system where a possible group of a provincial or territorial partner carry out a short survey to know an approximate number of people affected by the disease. Besides, they can perform a risk reduction and a screening mechanism for dementia and hence formulating an agreed method of prevention and treatment for the targets acquired. Such kind of events also bring about the caregiver effects where through the educational talks given by the present guests, the people present can use to show more care to the people affected by dementia. Through the educational programs and the banners, the people present can be educated about this and can therefore get a different perspective of handling and even treating the affected patients. In order to create awareness of this kind of event, several measures must be taken. For instance, digitally advertising the event through the internet can help a great deal in making sure that the event reaches every individual. Most people in the 21st century have a regular access to the internet at least once a week or even more frequently, this makes the internet adverts more convenient. However, in other cases, brochures and leaflets can also be used in order to disseminate the information and make sure that the information reaches every possible ear. Besides organizing the Marathons or the semi marathons, other fun events such as sack racing and other games such as Basketball with reasonable registration fees; these could help attract more people to the fund raising and hence more funds being raised. To raise more eyebrows, in the

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