Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Supply chain management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Supply chain management - Essay Example In this regard, the essay helps in developing a better understanding of the various concepts related with the SCM and lean manufacturing through the effective analysis of the advantages as well as disadvantages related with the system. The current issue that are identifiable within the business is to enhance the efficiency of SCM that is operating within an organization. Organisations operating in the present domain are having different set of SCM processes and needs to be handled in a separate manner to enhance the ability of the same. The issues arising from operations of SCM is even different based on the varied organisational perspective. Some common issues faced within the domain of SCM are identified within the operational area of an organization. The major issues identifiable within an organisation are mostly in the operational areas related with the configuration of distribution network, inventory control and outsourcing. The effective maintenance and handling of the different processes of production is noted to be affecting the needs of the business and further hindering the operations of an organisation (Womack, & Jones, 1994). Lean manufacturing process includes a series of steps that are involved with value creation for the customers, continuous improvement as well as eliminating waste among others. Lean SCM could effectively handle specific issues related with production as well as other operations within the domain of SCM. Through the effective management of the production, cycle lean would help in developing the SCM that is operating within the domain of organisational operations (Holweg, 2007). To enhance the efficiency of lean, it should focus on the waste management of over effective production to ensure a sustainable development for organizations practising lean manufacturing. An organization needs to maintain its level of consumers and ensure the timely production of goods this could be effectively handled by

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