Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Nurses in Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Nurses in Politics - Essay Example It costs the health care system approximately $400 million every year. In connection with these reasons, CMS argued that â€Å"patients often have a urinary catheter longer than necessary,† making majority of them developing urinary tract infection that was not meant to happen (Fox, Kaye & Urman, 2012). As introduced above, UTI is one of the facilities that are highly used in hospitals. There are other many other facilities in health care system that when not used appropriately may result in patients acquiring preventable conditions from hospitals. As a result of the cost associated with the hospital facilities such as UTIs as well as hospital infections such as the urinary infections that result from having the urinary catheter for many days, CMS recommended the evaluation of patients in every shift so as to determine whether a particular facility is of necessity to the patient (Vincent,

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